ÚvodGLASSLab apparatusCondensersCondenser accorting to Liebig, without SJ 200x24 mm, SIMAX

Condenser accorting to Liebig, without SJ 200x24 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442505200Cat. number: 7110/200
Manufacturer: KAVALIERGLASS, a.s.

Detailní popis

Průměr: 24 mm

Technical parameters

Diameter24 mm
Length200 mm


Condenser with two SJ, 160 mm, SIMAX

Condenser with two SJ, 160 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442498176
Cat. number: 8249/160

Condenser with two SJ, 250 mm, SIMAX

Condenser with two SJ, 250 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442498266
Cat. number: 8249/250

Air condenser, streight, 500 mm, SIMAX

Air condenser, streight, 500 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442501505
Cat. number: 8250/29/32/500

Air condenser, streight, 750 mm, SIMAX

Air condenser, streight, 750 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442501755
Cat. number: 8250/29/32/750

Redestilling condenser 300 mm, SIMAX

Redestilling condenser 300 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442502300
Cat. number: 7119/300

Redestilling condenser 400 mm, SIMAX

Redestilling condenser 400 mm, SIMAX

Product: 632442502400
Cat. number: 7119/400

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