ÚvodDOSSINGPipettesAutomatic manual pipettesSet 4 pipet Optipette, pipety OP10 OP20 OP200 a OP1000, 0,5 - 10 µl, 2 - 20 µl, 20 - 200 µl, 100 - 1000 µl, HTL, barevná verze

Set 4 pipet Optipette, pipety OP10 OP20 OP200 a OP1000, 0,5 - 10 µl, 2 - 20 µl, 20 - 200 µl, 100 - 1000 µl, HTL, barevná verze

Product: HTL-7912Cat. number: 7912
Manufacturer: HTL


Pipeta Transferpettor, 1 µl, bílá, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 1 µl, bílá, Brand

Product: BRN-701842
Cat. number: 701842

Pipeta Transferpettor, 2 µl, bílá, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 2 µl, bílá, Brand

Product: BRN-701844
Cat. number: 701844

Pipeta Transferpettor, 5 µl, bílá, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 5 µl, bílá, Brand

Product: BRN-701853
Cat. number: 701853

Pipeta Transferpettor, 10 µl, oranžová, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 10 µl, oranžová, Brand

Product: BRN-701858
Cat. number: 701858

Pipeta Transferpettor, 20 µl, černá, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 20 µl, černá, Brand

Product: BRN-701863
Cat. number: 701863

Pipeta Transferpettor, 25 µl, bílá, Brand

Pipeta Transferpettor, 25 µl, bílá, Brand

Product: BRN-701864
Cat. number: 701864

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