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3 way stopcock, complette with glass key, T - bore SJ 12, 5 mm - tube 8/1, 5

3 way stopcock, complette with glass key, T - bore SJ 12, 5 mm - tube 8/1, 5

Product: TSK-632441357100
Cat. number: 632441357100

3 way stopcock, complette with PTFE key, T - bore SJ 12, 5 mm - tube 8/1, 5

3 way stopcock, complette with PTFE key, T - bore SJ 12, 5 mm - tube 8/1, 5

Product: TSK-632441357150
Cat. number: 632441357150

3 way stopcock, complette with glass key, T - bore SJ 14, 5 mm - tube 9/1, 5

3 way stopcock, complette with glass key, T - bore SJ 14, 5 mm - tube 9/1, 5

Product: TSK-632441357200
Cat. number: 632441357200

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 35 - 0, 40 mm

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 35 - 0, 40 mm

Product: TSK-632441360346
Cat. number: 632441360346

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 55 - 0, 60 mm

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 55 - 0, 60 mm

Product: TSK-632441360348
Cat. number: 632441360348

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 80 - 0, 85 mm

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 0, 80 - 0, 85 mm

Product: TSK-632441360350
Cat. number: 632441360350

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 1, 10 - 1, 20 mm

Lateral stopcock SJ 12, 5 mm - with lateral glass key and tip 1, 10 - 1, 20 mm

Product: TSK-632441360351
Cat. number: 632441360351

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